Kilka dni przed premierą 18 marca zdecydowano się wypuścić nowy zwiastun „Zack Snyder’s Justice League”. Do sieci trafiają też pierwsze opinie o filmie Zacka Snydera i są one bardzo pozytywne.
W filmie Liga Sprawiedliwości Zacka Snydera Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), chcąc mieć pewność, że poświęcenie Supermana (Henry Cavill) nie poszło na marne, łączy siły z Dianą Prince (Gal Gadot), by zwerbować zespół superbohaterów, którzy ochronią świat przed zbliżającym się niebezpieczeństwem o katastrofalnych rozmiarach. Zadanie okazuje się jednak trudniejsze, niż to sobie wyobrażał, ponieważ każdy z członków tej ekipy musi stawić czoła demonom własnej przeszłości. Tylko pokonanie tych przeszkód, pozwoli im stworzyć bezprecedensową grupę bohaterów. Może być jednak za późno, by w końcu zjednoczeni – Batman (Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) i Flash (Ezra Miller), byli w stanie uratować planetę przed Steppenwolfem, DeSaadem, Darkseidem i ich zbrodniczymi zamiarami.
Here, however, it's earned through sincere beats of coming to understand one another, figuring out how to operate as a team and well conveying that they all had something to fight for. Was utterly fascinated watching the footage included in the 2017 cut become more powerful here.
#ZackSnydersJusticeLeague is a superhero epic of grand and majestic scale. It stands out as something special and sets the bar to another level of what should be expected from an event film like this. Mythological in nature with a strong emotional core & human element
…they’re most impactful because the characters are given the necessary time to develop and interact in between each massive sequence. Ray Fisher’s storyline affected me most, and it is, in fact, the heart of the movie. Existing fans are going to feel euphoric. #TheSnyderCut
#TheSnyderCut is loaded with scenes people haven't seen & are going to love. It is such a better movie than the theatrical cut of #JusticeLeague. Night and day difference. Saying that have no idea how this version could have ever been released in theaters. Perfect for @hbomax.
And I’ve actually watched it more than once, and spent an entire afternoon going back and forth between this new cut and the original to have a clearer understanding of what all changed… and it is significant, I think. Tonally, visually, musically, action-wise. It’s pretty wild
It is very long and you can really feel it, but a shorter 2.5/3hr cut seems doable, so it’s legit baffling that ZSJL wasn’t released in 2017. Has a definitive conclusion, so glad to see this chapter end, although wouldn’t be against seeing more. ->