Do sieci trafiły kolejne projekty z niezrealizowanego filmu „Justice League: Mortal”. Tym razem mamy okazję przyjrzeć się jak mogłaby wyglądać jaskinia Batmana, w którego miał się wcielić Armie Hammer.

Ponownie zaprezentowano też projkety kostiumów głównych bohaterów oraz nową fotografię z Megan Gale w roli Wonder Woman.

Wyświetl ten post na Instagramie.

For now these are all I can share. I know there’s MASSIVE interest in the story behind #JusticeLeagueMortal but there is pushback from the studio and most of the creatives involved. It’s understandably a sore point for many involved. We’re collating everything we have to be able to pitch it properly. It may require a kickstarter or something at some stage, or it may not. I’m 5 years into the journey of getting this made and I VERY much appreciate your patience. I know how important this lost chapter is to us all; as movie goers, as comic readers, as pop culture fans. Rest assured we WANT to be able to show you EVERY costume properly. We WANT to show you the Batmobile. We WANT to show you the Fortress of Solitude. We WANT the artists who worked tirelessly for months to get their well deserved due. We’ll continue to do our best. Be well. Stay safe! #SevenFriends #JusticeLeagueMortal #JusticeLeague #WarnerBrothers #PurryburryProductions

Post udostępniony przez The MandaloRYAN (@itsryanunicomb)


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