Znamy już kompletną listę utworów, które znalazły się na 4-płytowym soundtracku „Batman: The Animated Series – Original Soundtrack From The Warner Bros. Television Series, Volume Two”, który od 19 lipca można kupić na stronie La-La Land Records.

Batman: The Animated Series – Original Soundtrack From The Warner Bros. Television Series, Volume Two

1. Batman: The Animated Series – Main Title (Danny Elfman) 1:05

Beware The Gray Ghost – Carl Swander Johnson
2. Beware the Gray Ghost 0:54
3. Simon Trent 1:47
4. Trent Meets Batman* / Trent Runs 1:33
5. He Runs But He Can’t Hide* 0:36
6. Trent Helps Batman* 0:55
7. Lethal Toys* / The Ghost Saves Batman 1:25
8. Toy Car Chase* 0:43
9. Gray Ghost’s Shrine / Mistaken Identity 0:46
10. Twisted Ted* / Up in Smoke 1:36
11. Bruce’s Hero* 0:31

Beware The Gray Ghost – Bonus Track:
12. Gray Ghost Suite 1:24

The Cat And The Claw, Part I – Harvey R. Cohen, Wayne Coster, Shirley Walker
13. The Catwoman (S. Walker) 4:51
14. Riding the Truck* (W. Coster) 1:01
15. Multigon International (W. Coster) 0:18
16. Introducing Red Claw (H. Cohen) / A Word With the Boss (W. Coster) 0:55
17. Catwoman at Multigon H.Q. (S. Walker) / Cats in the Office (S. Walker) (Features “Ode to Joy” By L. Beethoven) 1:31
18. Batman Rescues Catwoman* (H. Cohen) / Lovers or Enemies (W. Coster) 3:33
19. Who Will Save You? 0:30

The Cat And The Claw, Part II – Harvey R. Cohen
20. The Cat and the Claw 0:44
21. The Train* 1:59
22. Bruce Wayne’s Chaperone / A Bumpy Ride 1:57
23. Alley Cat* / Catwoman Strikes* 3:30
24. Bat Draft* 2:14
25. The Fallen Resort* 0:57
26. More Than You’ll Ever Know* 0:46

The Cat And The Claw – Bonus Tracks:
27. String Quartet (W. Coster) 1:01
28. Ode to Joy (Composed By L. Beethoven; Arranged by Shirley Walker) 0:10
29. Introducing Red Claw (Alternate) (H. Cohen) 0:39
30. Ode to Joy Alternates (Composed By L. Beethoven; Arranged By Shirley Walker) 0:28

Nothing To Fear – Shirley Walker
31. Nothing to Fear 0:43
32. Machine Gun / The Scarecrow Arrives 1:42
33. The Vault** / Sprinklers 3:22
34. Scarecrow’s Hideout 0:22
35. Scarecrow’s Backstory 0:35
36. Batman’s Flashback / Batman and Alfred 0:46
37. Scarecrow Invades the Museum / Scarecrow’s Attempt at Escape** 2:13
38. Dirigible Flight / Fear Strikes Again / Escape and Explosion 3:22
39. Scarecrow Discovered / Scarecrow is Captured / Scarecrow on a Skewer 1:54

Heart Of Ice – Todd Hayen, Shirley Walker
40. Heart of Ice 0:38
41. The Iceman Cometh Again / Cold as Ice* 3:30
42. Top Secret 0:57
43. The Swift Hand of Vengeance 1:55
44. Ice Assault / Frigid Frenzy / Alfred’s Cold Remedy 2:34
45. Arkham Asylum 0:59

Heart Of Ice – Bonus Tracks:
46. Newsbreak (Expanded) 0:44
47. Benefit Classic 1:15
48. Office Muzak 2:25
49. The Iceman Cometh Again (Alternate) 2:53

50. Batman: The Animated Series – End Credits (Extended) (Danny Elfman) 0:46
Łączny czas płyty 1: 73:54

1. Batman: The Animated Series – Main Title (Piano Version) (Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:03

Appointment In Crime Alley – Stuart Balcomb
2. Sub Main Title 0:31
3. Batman Drives to Crime Alley / Where Are We Going to Go? 2:23
4. I’m Not Afraid Here* 1:12
5. Searching for Leslie / Leslie’s Held Captive 0:49
6. The Billboard 0:52
7. Baby Picture* 1:59
8. Chasing the Trolley / Trolley Rescue* 1:28
9. Batman Sees the Newstand Clock* / Leslie Sweats / Batman Swings During Speech 1:09
10. Good People in Crime Alley* 0:38

Mad As A Hatter – Harvey R. Cohen
11. Mad as a Hatter 1:00
12. Poor Jervis / Frabjous Day* 2:00
13. A Walk in the Park* 0:38
14. Ejection* / The Plunger* 1:15
15. The Mock Turtle Song 0:34
16. Until Tomorrow* / Will You, Won’t You* 1:03
17. All’s Fair in Love and War* / Mad Hatter’s Friends* / Storybook Land* 3:04
18. Off With His Head* / The Maze* / Batman Comes to Tea* 4:15

Mad As A Hatter – Bonus Track:
19. Dining With Jervis 1:18

The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne – Lolita Ritmanis
20. The Strange Secret* / Batman Intervenes 2:21
21. Tragic Past* 1:23
22. The Strange Doctor / The Joker’s Phone Message* / Strange Has Left the Building 0:58
23. The Diabolical Plan* 3:07
24. Bruce Makes Another Tape 0:45
25. Strange Tries to Run / Flying the Unfriendly Skies* / Running on Empty* / Batman Makes the Catch / Robin is Revealed 3:00

I’ve Got Batman In My Basement – Shirley Walker, Carlos Rodriguez
26. The Heist 2:17
27. Sherman Tracks Vulture / Birdseed / Penguin Revealed 1:36
28. Batman Gets Gassed 2:11
29. Batmobile Goes Bats / Sherman and the Batmobile* (Carlos Rodriguez) 2:09
30. The Vulture Flies / It’s a Matter of Life and Death 0:43
31. Vulture Attack / Penguin Pays a Visit 1:04
32. It’s Them or Us / Polite Penguin 1:49
33. Penguin the Bully / Batman vs Penguin 2:20
34. Front Page Penguin 0:41

Feat Of Clay, Part I – Jeff Atmajian, Shirley Walker, Carl Swander Johnson
35. Feat of Clay* (J. Atmajian) 1:09
36. Mr. Fox’s Resignation (S. Walker) 3:32
37. Matt’s Make-Up (S. Walker) 1:31
38. Matt Finds the Formula (C. S. Johnson) 0:35
39. Creation of Clayface (J. Atmajian) 0:45
40. Bell Goes for a Ride*/** (C. S. Johnson) 1:56
41. Bruce Looks for Answers (J. Atmajian) 0:49
42. Teddy Discovers Clayface (S. Walker) 0:43

Feat Of Clay, Part II – Shirley Walker
43. Sub Main Title 0:36
44. Arrival at Imperial Pictures 0:19
45. Man of Many Faces 2:11
46. Suffocation for Fox / Foiled by Batman 1:08
47. Batman Confronts Clayface / The Matt Hagen Films 3:09
48. Batman Confrontation With Clayface / Clayface Dies 4:48
49. The Morgue 0:50

50. Batman: The Animated Series – End Credits (Alternate Beginning) (Danny Elfman) 0:48
Łączny czas płyty 2: 78:24

1. Batman: The Animated Series – Main Title (MIDI Version) (Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:04

Almost Got ‘Im – Stuart Balcomb
2. Almost Got ‘Im 1:24
3. Pumpkin Patch* / Batman’s Scorn* 1:11
4. A Bad Penny* 1:12
5. Penguin’s Setup* / Birds of a Feather* 2:42
6. Laugh O Meter / Catwoman to the Rescue* / Catwoman KO’d 1:10
7. Shadow Secrets* / Cat Food for Thought* / Maybe Some Day 2:08

Almost Got ‘Im – Bonus Tracks:
8. Club Source #2 0:59
9. Club Source #4 0:57
10. Joker Talk Show Source* (Extended) 0:49
11. Joker Bumper* 0:15
12. Just for Laughs 1:40

If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? – Carlos Rodriguez
13. If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich?*/ Silent Radio 0:45
14. The Wasteland*/ Rescue Attempt* / Riddler Escapes* 4:18
15. Minotaur’s Myth* / The Griffin / Griffin Fight / Hand of Fate 3:05
16. Hijacked Hand* / The Minotaur / Destroy Them / Deadbolts* 3:06

If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? – Bonus Tracks:
17. If You’re So Smart Source (Shirley Walker) 2:11
18. Riddle of the Minotaur Source 0:13
19. Griffin Theme 0:09
20. Question Mark Motif 0:08
21. Hand of Fate Motif 0:09
22. Wasteland Motif 0:07
23. Musical Puzzle 0:12

The Demon’s Quest, Part I – Michael Mccuistion
24. The Demon’s Quest* 1:47
25. Sad News / Strike One 1:06
26. Calcutta / Alley Fight* 1:48
27. Black Cat / Sweet Dreams, Kitty* 2:03
28. After You 0:33
29. Power Trooper* / The Demon’s Guard / They Call Him Ra’s* 2:45
30. Strike Three – You’re Out 0:44
31. The Lazarus Pit* / Revitalized Demon* 2:04

The Demon’s Quest, Part Ii – Harvey R. Cohen
32. Recap* 0:52
33. The Demon’s Quest, Part II* 1:26
34. Parted Lovers / Goodbye Beloved* 1:29
35. Orpheus / Lets Do It* / Caravan* 1:47
36. Pay for This Trespass 1:13
37. Lower the Bombs / Crazy / To the Tower 1:10
38. To Remember Me, Beloved* / Countdown* 1:44
39. He’ll Ruin Everything* 3:35
40. Prisoner of Love* 0:57

The Laughing Fish – Shirley Walker
41. The Laughing Fish / Joker’s Insane Scheme 3:15
42. Friendly Fish Truck / Missile Fish / Francis Gets Happy (Extended) / I Know You’re Watching 1:13
43. Jackson’s Cat 0:57
44. Oceanside Aquarium / Sharkey’s Appetite 2:13
45. Catch of the Day / How Do You Spell Relief? 1:57
46. Batman Rides the Shark / Jumping Joker Sees Jaws / Is the Joker Gone? 3:30

The Laughing Fish – Bonus Tracks:
47. “Joker’s Fish Song” (Features “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” Arranged by Nerida Tyson-Chew) 1:03
48. Joker’s Door Chime #1 0:11
49. Joker’s Door Chime #2 0:12

50. Batman: The Animated Series – End Credits (Alternate Ending) (Danny Elfman) 0:44
Łączny czas płyty 3: 72:12

1. Batman: The Animated Series – Main Title (with Sound Effects) (Danny Elfman) 1:04

Shadow of the Bat, Part I – Shirley Walker
2. Shadow of the Bat / Thorne on the Roof 2:01
3. Gordon’s Arrest 1:02
4. We’ll See About This / The Evidence Room 1:07
5. Two-Face’s Hideout / The Batgirl / Batgirl Takes Action / Batgirl Gets Trashed 2:37
6. Bad Company / A Different Disguise / Matches Malone 3:56

Shadow of the Bat, Part II – Harvey R. Cohen
7. Recap* 1:19
8. Shadow of the Bat, Part II / Casing Gil’s Apartment* 1:21
9. Robin and Batgirl Follow* / Matches Gives the Signal / Bad Guys Escape 2:58
10. Water in the Tunnel / Water, Water Everywhere* / Saving Robin / Batgirl up the Rope* 1:47
11. Blasted out of Jail / Batgirl Finds Out 1:00
12. Subway Escape* 1:44
13. Rescue of the Commish* / Batgirl’s a Real Drag / Batgirl Sees the Statue* 3:16
14. Welcome to Gotham 0:32

Shadow of the Bat – Bonus Tracks:
15. Recap (Alternate) 1:20
16. Matches Gives the Signal (No Bass) / Bad Guys Escape (No Bass) 1:41

Harley And Ivy – Peter Davison, Michael Mccuistion, Lolita Ritmanis, Shirley Walker
17. Harley and Ivy* (M. McCuistion, L. Ritmanis) 2:57
18. Harley is On Her Own (S. Walker, L. Ritmanis) / The Girls Escape (S. Walker) 3:18
19. Toxic Dump (P. Davison) / Crime Spree (S. Walker) 1:10
20. Batman Finds a Clue* (P. Davison) / Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down (S. Walker) /
Locked in Chains (P. Davison) / Batman Escapes Bondage* (P. Davison) 1:43
21. The Joker’s Flower (S. Walker, L. Ritmanis) / Batman Rescues Mr. J* (M. McCuistion) / No More Women (S. Walker) 2:04

Read My Lips – Shirley Walker
22. Read My Lips / Scarface’s Boys 2:14
23. What a Dummy 1:17
24. Drapes for the Bat / Lumber Slumber / No Apples 2:50
25. A Prima Notion 1:14
26. Platinum Vault / Hang in There 1:24
27. Dummy Up / Here We Go Again 3:24

Fire From Olympus – Shirley Walker
28. Fire From Olympus 2:17
29. Max on High 1:16
30. Lightning Demonstration 0:39
31. Sneaking Batman In / Fire in the Sky 2:39
32. Batman Enters Olympus / Snake Fight 1:51
33. Olympus Battle 4:59

34. Batman: The Animated Series – End Credits (Alternate Beginning and Ending) 0:43
Łączny czas płyty 4: 66:44
Łączny czas całego albumu: 291:14

* nie napisany przez Shirley Walker, ale zawiera theme/themes autorstwa Shirley Walker
** zawiera Batman theme Danny’ego Elfmana.

Źródło: The World’s Finest


na DVD od 18 marca


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